LIB Special reports : Canaries, marijuana,weeds and narcotic business booming in Lagos state and much is not done about it.

As Nigerians sit home today to celebrate the the 2017 May Day, it is important we take a moment to reflect on an issue that's fast becoming a menace in the society. We all know it, we see it but we choose to turn a blind eye to it. Some 5/10 years ago, It used to be difficult to get access to weed/cannabis let alone smoke it in public places. Back then touts sell it 'codedly' at select places like the then Kuramo beach, Oshodi under bridge, garages and other dark spots. Those who sell and smoke it do so with fear and a certain level of respect for the law but fast forward to 2017, caution has been thrown to the wind and you find weed/cannabis readily available and publicly smoked with a level of recklessness that's scary. It's getting really bad that any one can get these drugs that has now evolved from just weed to all sorts of narcotics with different names like 'Weed, SK, Loud, Arizona, Igbeshin, codeine, refnol, shisha' and it...